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       In order to unite the employees’, TAYA Group held a Family Day on 11/9 (Saturday) at Sanzhi Tatienliao Beach, and invited nearly 100 employee families from the Northern Region to join the happy time, and about 140 employees and their families jointly participated in the event. In addition, Chairman of TAYA Group, Mr. Shen, Shang-Hung also participated in this event, and enjoyed the weekend with colleagues through activities of coastal cleanup, fun contests, visited the Gongrong Community Park, and experience of farm life and picking water bamboo shoots.
       This event is organized by the Pristine Homeland Foundation under TAYA Group. Based on environmental friendly concepts of environmental protection, caring for all life forms, and sustainable Earth, the Foundation promotes the future of Pristine Homeland that coexists with people and the environment, and promotes environmental education activities, expecting through a series of outdoor family day activities to let everyone understand that coastal cleanup is only the starting point and is the key to love the sea and the key to environmental sustainability to do a good job in garbage monitoring and waste source reduction.
       Through the waste monitoring record, the coastal cleanup collected a total of 95.5 kilograms of recyclable garbage and 119.4 kilograms of non-recyclable garbage. The top three items picked up the most were PET bottles, plastic bottle caps and Styrofoam.
       In order to make the family day activities more meaningful, special elements of fun competitions were brought in this year, through the competitions of environmental protection vanguard, environmentally-friendly art questions (topics), quick questions and quick answers to let the colleagues capable of deepening the meaning of the coastal cleanup and Pristine Homeland. We went to Sanzhi Gold Medal Gongrong Community Park in the afternoon to understand how the local area rehabilitates abandoned agricultural land through the rural village regeneration plan, becoming the first approved rural village regeneration community in New Taipei City, and creating paddy fields, wetlands, lotus ponds and other water-retaining water-planting ecology, like the "Underground Reservoir" that successfully weathered the drought crisis. We then went to Sanzhi November specialty water bamboo shoots field, experienced with barefooted harvesting the water bamboo shoots called Beauty’s Legs, and learn about the beauty and preciousness of the water terraces in Sanzhi District.
       Through a series of food agricultural education-based experiences, the colleagues are encouraged to always care about ecology, recognize the beautiful land of Taiwan in their lives, and while understand the importance of protecting their homeland, they can also promote mutual friendship and continue to fulfill the original intention of founding the Foundation.


