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Ta Ya Group adheres to government environmental regulations and customer requirements, instilling environmental awareness in its employees, fulfilling responsibilities for pollution treatment, resource recycling, environmental protection and striving for continuous improvement.

Climate Action
The TAYA Group values climate change mitigation and adaptation. We aim to reduce our own emissions and accelerate societal climate action, addressing these challenges from organizational operations and value chains to the societal level.

Climate Action Guideline

In 2023, the Company developed its Climate Action Guideline based on the 1.5°C Business Playbook, which was approved by the Sustainability Committee in May. Following four strategic pillars―reducing our own carbon emissions, reducing value chain carbon emissions, integrating climate issues into business strategy, and influencing climate action in society―we promote climate governance and carbon reduction initiatives to advance climate change mitigation and adaptation.

1) Reduce Our Own Emissions
Set Scope 1&2 carbon reduction targets, develop carbon reduction strategies, take action, and regularly review achievement status.

2) Reduce Our Value Chain Emissions
Set reduction targets and strategies for Scope 3, including negotiations with the supply chain and supplier carbon management, to gradually reduce carbon emissions from raw materials. (We have not yet established reduction targets for Scope 3.)

3) Integrate climate issues into the Group's business strategy
Through climate governance, senior management oversees climate-related risks and opportunities, and integrates potential climate-related financial impacts into decision-making processes and corporate risk management frameworks.

4) Accelerate climate action in society
Collaborate with customers, suppliers, governments, and research institutions to accelerate societal achievement of carbon reduction goals.

Carbon Reduction Roadmap

To align with the IPCC 1.5° C warming scenario and limit the average temperature increase within 1.5 ° C, we have set a 2050 net-zero target, using 2021 as the baseline year. The goal is to achieve net-zero emissions for Scope1 and Scope2 by 2050. A reduction target of 5% per year has been established, with annual tracking of carbon reduction performance to ensure the implementation of emission reduction measures. (This policy applies to TA YA and its subsidiaries.)


Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Since 2021, the TA YA Group has conducted annual ISO 14064- 1 organizational greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories and completed verification and reporting in accordance with the timelines stipulated by regulatory authorities.


2023 14064-1 Verification Statement(All Operation Sites in Taiwan)
2023 Kunshan ISO 14064-1 Verification
2023 ISO 14064-1 Verification Statement (Vietnam Hải Dương)

CDP Disclosure

In 2023, Ta Ya Electric Wire & Cable Co., Ltd. received a C which is in the Awareness level. This is the same as the Asia regional average of C, and the same as the Metal products manufacturing sector average of C.

In 2024, TAYA Group has furthered its commitment to environmental transparency by disclosing its environmental impact through CDP, a global nonprofit that runs the world’s leading environmental disclosure platform. TA YA Group has disclosed through CDP since 2018, and in 2024 completed CDP’s CLIMATE CHANGE questionnaire. Please refer to the following CDP Corporate Questionnaire file: Ta Ya Electric Wire & Cable Co., Ltd.  CDP Corporate Questionnaire 2024

proimages/2024/03-CDP/CDP_Discloser_2024_Corporate.png  proimages/2024/03-CDP/CDP_Discloser_2023_Stamp(SMALL).png

Environmental Management System(EMS)
TA YA implements environmental management through “ISO14001 Environmental Management Systems”, with a certification coverage of 67% (Coverage is based on percentage of group-wide production sites)

ISO14001 Certified Production Sites:
(A total of 6 production sites are certified.)

Commitment and Oversight to Environmental Management Policy:
The General Manager serves as the ultimate responsible person for the effective implementation of the company's  EMS system. Responsibilities include committing to comply with environmental legal requirements, supervising the achievement of environmental objectives, and overseeing continuous improvement efforts. The EMS execution department is tasked with establishing, implementing, and maintaining the environmental management system, as well as reporting on environmental management performance to the top management.

Energy Management
In 2022, the Group’s total energy consumption reached 544,960 GJ, with electricity accounting for 77% and natural gas 21%. To decrease energy usage to lower electricity costs and indirect emissions, the plants actively implement energy management and adopt the ISO 50001 management system to monitor, manage, and improve energy consumption. Since 2013, the Group has been investing in production intelligence and efficiency optimization, employing measures such as motor replacement with higher efficiency models and introducing variable frequency devices. As a result, the electricity consumption per unit of product at the Guanmiao Headquarters has decreased by 41% compared to 2014. In the future, energy-saving efforts will continue, and the potential for using green energy will be evaluated to further achieve energy transformation.

Water Resources Management

Ta Ya's water resource management strategy includes water recycling, rainwater harvesting, and water conservation. Through water resource management efforts, the Group's water withdrawal from municipal potable water was reduced by 3.94% in 2022 compared to 2021. Ta Ya will continue to implement water resource management to mitigate water risk.

With regards to effluents, all cooling water used in Ta Ya’s PVC and PE extrusion and CV production is channeled into the soft water recycling system, whereas water filtration and recycling are also adopted in magnet wire production to save water resources. The sand filter and sign at the waste water station of the Guanmiao Factory was damaged due to the earthquake in Meinong on February 6, 2016. A fine was imposed by the Tainan City Government because no improvement was made right after the earthquake. The improvements of the signs at the waste water station were reviewed and approved in May 2016. Application for air pollution control certification was renewed for the control facilities at the waste water station and approved in November 2016. The (raw) material and equipment in the Guanmiao Factory were damaged due to the earthquake in Meinong and two consecutive typhoons (Meranti and Megi) in September of the same year. Since a great deal of water was needed for cleaning and recovery from the disaster, the water consumption and wastewater discharge of the Guanmiao Factory were much greater in 2016 in comparison with previous years.

Recycling of rainwater is what we were implementing to conserve water resources. In 2011, Ta Ya installed storage tanks totaling 60 tons in capacity at its Guanmiao Factory to collect rainwater for watering, toilet flushing and floor cleaning. A water meter was later installed in June 2015 for measurement, which showed 187 tons of rainwater having been collected till 2016. No recycling of production water or rainwater has been adopted at the Dawan Factory.

Cuprime had more water consumption and wastewater discharge volume in 2015 and 2016 due to expanded capacity for production of phosphorus copper balls. Currently, Cuprime recycles water from the production process as a water saving measure. Recycled water is first treated using the wastewater pool then channeled to the forging section and used as cooling water on a circular basis. Ta Heng has also constructed a 150-ton reservoir and reserved part of its capacity to reclaim rainwater. Water supplied by this reservoir is directed to extrusion machines and toilets.

After the “Amendments of Water Act” was approved in May 2016, the Water Resources Agency plans to levy water consumption fees on the users who use more than 12,000 degrees of water in a year. On the other hand, measures are planned to reduce up to 60% of the fees if the goals of 9 indicators, including recycling of water, clean production, water footprint, renewal of resources, green product, and water conservation, are achieved. Ta Ya and Cuprime are expectedly affected. Though water expenses occupy a relative low percentage of the total cost, the companies will review all the actionable water conservation proposals and seek for suggestions on reduction of the water consumption fees.

Waste Management and Soil Pollution Assessment

The promotion of industrial waste classification and resource recycling is one of our annual goals carried out with the aim to encourage all our business units to implement waste classification and effective resource recycling in reducing environmental damage. Ta Ya divides waste classification into four categories: waste oil, waste solvents, waste fiber, and general waste. Waste in the first three categories is treated by waste treatment contractors certified by the Environmental Protection Administration. Waste oil is processed with physical treatment while waste solvents, wood, pallets, and general waste are incinerated.

All construction materials used by contractor - Hengs for the construction of solar power plant are reusable, including aluminum, iron and stainless steel. All construction waste is recovered and disposed by professional environmental service providers. Only fresh water, not chemical solution, is used for cleaning at construction sites, which poses minimal impact to the surrounding environment.

Fines were imposed by the Tainan City Government for two waste management deficiencies in 2016. The wastewater pool of the Guanmiao Factory must be repaired after an earthquake and the mud produced during the repair was temporarily collected in container bags without anti-leakage protections. The waste liquid buckets in the storage area at the garbage station were not labeled with the content of the bucket. These deficiencies had been removed in May 2016.

Since Ta Ya’s Dawan Factory was expanded in area, factory change registration was dealt with in May 2016. However, the soil pollution assessment and testing documents must be approved before the registration as required by relevant regulations. Since Dawan Factory did not have the approval, a fine was imposed by the Environmental Protection Bureau of Tainan City Government. Dawan Factory submitted the documents for review in November and the Environmental Protection Bureau of Tainan City Government issued a letter of approval in December to finish the procedure.

Air Quality Management
The company monitors, measures, analyzes, evaluates, and takes action against pollution according to the ISO14001 management system. It also establishes procedures for controlling toxic chemicals, noise, and water pollution to manage and monitor various sources of pollution.

Ta Ya Guanmiao factory has installed pollution prevention equipment at stationary sources of pollution where the pollutants are volatile organic compounds and particulate pollutants. The equipment contains catalytic converters, bag filters, and Venturi scrubbers. Reports and inspections on stationary pollution sources are done in accordance with the relevant air-pollution prevention regulations. Cuprime measures stationary source of air pollution once a year, and reports its measurements on a regular basis. It has been certified by the environmental protection authority to comply with stationary air pollution standards.

Toxic Substance Management

We established comprehensive toxic chemical substance operations and chemical disaster prevention measures. Varnishes and plasticizers used in the production process fall under the Environmental Protection Administration's list of toxic chemical substances. The Guanmiao Plant conducts one annual emergency response drill for toxic substances in accordance with legal regulations, and performs two unannounced tests without warning. Additionally, the plant conducts annual fire drills and public hazardous materials disaster drills. Other related enterprises do not use toxic substances.

Reducing Hazardous Substances Use:
Requirement to Production:
TA YA has developed “Toxic Chemical Substance Control Operating Procedure” to manage the usage of hazardous substance, but we do not commit to phase out hazardous substances in our products. While we don't have regulatory standards that require the reduction of hazardous substances in our products, we are gradually substituting hazardous materials with non-hazardous alternatives.

Requirement to Suppliers:
For the management of hazardous substances in raw materials, our purchasing policy in the magnet wire business group requires Hazardous Substance-Free Suppliers to provide products that comply with our company's standards for being free of hazardous substances, such as HSF (SONYSS-00259, etc.), as stipulated in the purchase order. Additionally, we require suppliers to commit to sustainable practices in our Supplier Sustainability Commitment, including efforts to reduce the use of pollutants, toxins, and proper management thereof.